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Why I Love Machine Embroidery

LisaLisa General Member Total Posts: 1

After 42 years my trusty Kenmore sewing machine passed away. Looking for a sew machine sent me on an amazing journey. I purchased a lower end machine (still more than I expected to pay) that had embroidery capabilities. Well, within one month I upgraded because of the embroidery capability. Within another 6 months I upgraded again to a high end machine! Never in my life would I expect to own a sewing machine that was almost the same cost as my car! Hahaha! Anyway, to answer the question... Machine embroidery has been an eye-opening game changer for me. It's added a richness to my love of crafting and creating. I hand embroidered as a child and young adult (as taught me by my grandmother), so machine embroidery has brought back my love - but made it much easier and faster. It's opened doors that I never thought could be possible as I now create and sell my own creations where in the past it was a hobby.

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